Nice work... 

Your Wedding Photography is almost sorted!

Just fill in the info below & let's tick photography off your list.

It would be great to meet you in person & chat with you to hear about your wedding plans. The next step is for us to arrange a time when we can get together. Whether we meet up over a drink, chat over the phone or skype we'll work out how photography will serve you best,

(Please note: your booking is secured only once you've signed my Wedding Photography Agreement & made your first payment. All the info you just entered is moving us forward; we'e almost there, but your booking is not official yet!)


Make your first payment

You might choose to make your payment after we've connect & worked out a photography plan together, but for the keen beans: here are two options so you can put through your payment online, right now.




PayPal allows you to pay with Credit Card or your PayPal account
(Please note: you don't need a PayPal account to pay with Credit Card)

Name&Name | Wedding DDMMYY

Internet banking

Transfer your deposit via internet banking 12-3122-0292885-00

When making electronic payments please use the couples first names & wedding date (YYMMDD) as a reference e.g. ChrisLou 180317